"Now closing inner seal," said the computer. "Please put on outdoor gear before operating the outer seal."

"We'll do that," Ensign Segal grumbled. He was still upset about the way everyone had been treating him since that wisecrack Sergeant Banks had made about how much fun they'd supposedly had on this mission.

"Need any help, sweetie?" Banks asked solicitously.

"Stow that, Sergeant, " Edwards told him. "We're going to need to be on our toes for this one, and Segal looks like he's about as stressed out as he can get. I wouldn't want him to become a casualty just because somebody was teasing him."

"Yes, sir," Banks said, snapping a salute at him. The action pulled his airhose free of its housing, and Banks became serious very quickly after that. Soon everyone was suited up, and Edwards pulled the outer door release lever.

The air was sucked back into the main shuttle with a hissing sound, and the nine entrants waited until it was all collected. When the red light near the exit changed to green the Captain closed the inner door and motioned for one of them to open the door.

After they all looked at each other for a few moments, Lieutenant Riggs stepped forward to do it with the cocky sort of brave front that everyone knew meant he was just as scared as they were.

"Ready, sir," he announced in a higher-pitched voice than usual. He rolled his eyes at his own lack of control and Wendy giggled.

"You want to do this, Nation?" he asked.

"Not on your life," Wendy answered, then felt uneasy over her choice of words. "I mean, I'm sure you're the best man for the job."

"A compliment? I must be making progress," he said, and patted her on the behind.

"Open the door, Lieutenant. This is no time for pattycakes," Captain Edwards instructed him irritably.

"Yes, sir," said Riggs with a rigid salute that closely mimicked the one Banks had given him earlier, but without the unfortunate side effect.

Riggs punched several buttons on a keypad and pulled a lever before the door finally opened wide. A rush of warm air pushed into the chamber, momentarily pressing everyone against the back wall. When it subsided, they all stepped forward tentatively, and gave a collective gasp.

"Why, it's a jungle!" Corporal Savant said as she stepped forward, her laser pistol drawn and ready for anything. "These plants must have overgrown the entire area. I've never seen anything like it."

"Captain, do you think that's why the people abandoned the place?" Wendy asked, her curiosity piqued. "Maybe the plants just took over."

"I don't know," he answered distractedly. He was examining the leaves of a nearby plant intently, and did not bother to look up at her when she spoke.

"What's the big deal with that plant, sir?" asked Riggs uneasily, stepping forward to take a look. "You act as if you've never seen a plant before in your life."

"Not this plant, I haven't. It's incredible," the Captain said. "It's unlike anything I've ever encountered. I had heard rumors that the people here were genetically engineering something, and this little oddity may just be one of the results.

"See here, the leaves are pinate and ovoid in alternating spikes, and there are nine spikes to each cluster. A very unusual configuration, unlike anything on the Earth or any of the Colonies. Everyone knows I've probably read every book there is on plants from the known planets. That can mean only one of two things. Either it's mutated, or somebody made it grow this way on purpose."

"Yes, that is strange," Riggs agreed, and he picked a sample and put it into his pack. "We'll have to take it back to the mother ship for analysis."

"Good idea, Lieutenant," the Captain said. "And maybe we should do the same thing with any other unusual artifacts we might find. There must be something in here that can give us a clue as to what happened to make half a million people suddenly want to just pick up and leave."

"Well, it looks like we don't need the pressure suits," Segal announced, holding up his palm-sized atmosphere tester. "I'm for putting 'em in the packs before we explore."

"Good idea, " Edwards agreed. "I knew I was bringing along the right team for this mission. I like a team that thinks on its feet."

"Thank you, sir," Segal said, and a lot of the tension eased out of his shoulders.

Wendy smiled. The Captain knew just the right way to keep every man on the team in the best possible spirits, it seemed.

Allen and Nathan packed away everyone's suits with the rest of the gear, then stood waiting for orders. Ensign James radioed back to the shuttle several times to make sure communications were possible.

Savant established an uplink and left a voice message in the Reliant computer detailing what they had just discovered, and Wendy took video pictures and sent them up at the same time.

"Now this is going to make a good story," Wendy told Savant enthusiastically.

"I'll say!" she agreed.

"Sir, I'm able to raise Niamura when we need him," James said.

"Good, good," Edwards answered distractedly. He was still exploring the vegetation and taking specimens.

"Everything's ready, sir, " Riggs reported.

Wendy glanced around Riggs's shoulder, almost brushing against him as she did so. "Sir, do you think there might have been animal experiments, too? If they were messing around with genetics, it would stand to reason that they wouldn't have stopped with just the flora. The fauna would have to have been just as tempting--if not more so."

"You're probably right, Wendy," Riggs agreed when Captain Edwards failed to respond. "There's no telling what kind of mutations we're likely to find, if this plant is any indication."

"From the looks of things, I'd have to say we won't have to wait long to see one of them!" shouted Ensign James urgently.

They all turned around to see what he was talking about.

"Stars, that's the hugest cat I've ever seen!" said Riggs, reaching for his laser pistol.

"He looks hungry," said Post nervously.

"Well, he's as big as a cow," Wendy pointed out. "Of course he's hungry."

"What should we do, sir? You want this specimen dead or alive?" asked Riggs.

Suddenly, the cat jumped straight at Corporal Savant's throat, but just before it could reach its mark, Sergeant Banks fired several bolts into it with his laser pistol, knocking it to the ground. Savant flung herself backwards at the same time, her feet flying up into the air. The wicked kick helped to fling the beast in its alternative course.

"Well, I guess I'd have to say dead, " Edwards answered.

"I've never seen such a huge cat," Riggs said, turning the beast over. It wasn't dead yet, and scratched his arm with a massive claw. Blood seeped into the gaping hole in his jumpsuit. "Ahh! The thing got me!"

Wendy grabbed his arm and wrapped it up as quickly as possible. "Riggs, what the hell's the matter with you? We don't know what kind of germs might be floating around this joint. You might be dead already and don't even know it." she said.

"I never knew you cared," said Riggs, batting his eyes.

"Just don't do something stupid like that again, Lieutenant," she snapped.

"Yes, ma'am," he grinned, dodging the slap she aimed at his head.

"Well, Miss Nation, it looks like you're all ready going to be doing some doctoring," said the Captain. "I'll expect you to keep an eye on Lieutenant Riggs and let me know if he becomes ill."

"Of course, Captain," she agreed. "I won't let him out of my sight."

"Now, people, we don't know what we're going to find out there, but if this feline anomoly is any indication, it probably won't be pretty. I suggest we set up a base camp and have something to eat," said the Captain. "Pitch a few tents and set up a perimeter. I'll even take the first watch while everyone rests up a bit. We've had a busy day so far."

"Yes, sir," everyone chimed, and as soon as they found a suitable site, they put this plan into action.