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“When you said we were going to Scotland, I didn’t expect to be flying there by broom, Lucius,” said Hermione in surprise as her husband gave her both her wand and a brand new broom a few hours later. “Broom-riding is not something at which I excel.”

“What, do you mean to say you do have limitations?” he inquired with a grin, earning a scowl for his efforts. He drew Hermione into his arms and said, “But, my darling wife, the countryside is lovely this time of year. Besides, I haven’t been to Gilmorand in a very long time. I fear I cannot recall the place well enough to chance Apparating both of us there.”

Hermione sighed deeply and determined to accept her fate. But as she cast her new broom a dubious look she felt compelled to add, “Just make sure I don’t fall off this thing, or you’ll be looking for a new wife yet again.”

Lucius shuddered at her words, and said, “That is not something I have any wish to do, my dear. You’re the only wife I will ever need.” As if to prove his point, he drew Hermione even closer and proceeded to kiss her until he was absolutely certain she believed him.

“Are we going to head for Scotland, or back to the bedroom?” Hermione finally inquired sweetly.

“Don’t tempt me, wench,” Lucius answered as he let go of her. “Although, you can be certain there’s a bed in the castle that should prove most inviting by the time we arrive.”

“Ugh! More anticipation?” Hermione groaned.

“Indeed,” he agreed with a devilish twinkle in his eye as he solicitously put Hermione’s broom between her legs.

“You’re the only man I know who would consider the idea of a broom ride a prelude to something sexual,” she told him.

“Mmm, I sincerely hope so,” he teased her as he mounted his own broom, and led the way as the two of them kicked off and took to the air.

Hermione had to agree that the scenery that flitted past below them was quite beautiful, and in fact the sky itself was lovely as well. The day was warm, and only a very few clouds were about, which left the two traversing a lovely sea of blue. It was after noon when they’d set out, so the sun was behind their backs. It kept them warm as they journeyed north.

“This is wonderful,” Hermione finally admitted, and earned a huge smile for her efforts.

“Yes, quite,” Lucius agreed. “It is just the way I remember it from when I was a boy. I haven’t had this much fun in ages. Not since before Draco was born.”

Hermione cast him a sympathetic look when a momentary bout of sadness overtook him at the thought of his loss. “Perhaps when we have children of our own, we can fly them about like this,” she suggested as she grasped his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. “I would like that,” he agreed as smiled gratefully over at her, pleased by her concern. He put a hand over hers and squeezed as well, and then the two mutually turned back to looking at their surroundings.

It was almost dark when they reached Gilmorand castle. Hermione looked past the huge castle to the craggy rocks beyond. The crash of the ocean’s waves echoed even to this place, which was several miles inland, and the raw power that must have caused the sound made her shiver. She could smell the salt in the air, and as they alighted on the ground several seabirds flew past.

“Nice patch of grass, this,” Lucius commented as he looked at the place they’d landed.

“You’re incorrigible,” Hermione mentioned, but she did nothing to stop him when next Lucius gathered her into his arms, remembered they both held brooms, and summarily tossed them aside as he kissed her soundly. She had barely caught her breath from the first kiss when Lucius tossed his cloak on the ground and brought her with him to lay on it.

“Beds be damned,” he growled. His hands were all over the place, stoking her fire to fever pitch as his magical mouth continued to wage war on her eager lips and tongue.

“So, you intend to take me right here in front of the castle where all the guards can see us, I take it?” she teased him.

“The guards are mostly on the seaward side, my darling,” he told her. “No one usually comes here through the rocklands.”

“Ah, but you have forgotten that thieves occupy the rocks,” said another man’s voice from somewhere nearby. “I’ll be taking your purses, if you don’t mind. A couple of lovebirds like yourselves should not miss them overmuch.”

Lucius straightened up and stared the man down. “How dare you?” he growled. “Have you no idea who I am?”

“Obviously another rich nabob on the way to greet the new lord,” he said with a shrug. “It hardly matters which one, you’re all the same to me. Just a meal for my children’s mouths.”

“I happen to be Lucius Malfoy himself,” he announced.

“What, you mean you brought the Mudblood bride with you after all?” he gasped. “They certainly aren’t going to like that up at the palace, Mr. Lordling. They wanted you to renounce her.”

“And they shall soon find out that I am not the weak-willed lord they were used to,” he informed the man. “I will not be told what I can and cannot do in my own castle. If they believe I can, they are sorely mistaken.”

“You’re not in London anymore, my Lord,” said the thief with a short bow as he backed away. “But I will leave you to discover these things for yourself.”

“Wait, sir, I have a good idea of how to feed those children of yours,” said Lucius as he gave the man a keen look. “Become my man servant. I need someone who knows what is going on, someone to bring me up to date on matters here, and someone who has the balls to keep me safe should anyone or anything wish to do me harm. But this will mean you must accept my Lady as well, and treat her as the Countess she is.”

The man cast Hermione a dubious look, and she raised an eyebrow at him in challenge. “She looks to be capable of taking them on,” he chuckled then. “I think I shall accept. But believe me when I tell you, my Lord, that this is no small undertaking. Do not take my words lightly in this.”

“After the letter I was sent, I tend to believe it,” Lucius told him as he offered Hermione his hand, which she took with a smile. “But I’ll not have them treating Hermione like she is inferior. If any man does, he shall have to answer to me.”

“If I don’t give him an answer first,” Hermione added with a malicious smile. “Lest you forget, I may be Muggle-born, but I am still the brightest witch of my time. It may be a good idea to remind them of it.”

“No, my darling, I want to keep you safe,” Lucius told her. “After all, didn’t we want to get started on all those children you wanted?”

“Lucius!” she protested with a hot blush.

“Quite,” he chuckled, and the three of them headed for the castle.

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