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Tanetha was just finishing up the styling of Hermione's hair when Millie the house elf stepped into her bedroom with refreshments for all the women there. Lucius had allowed Ginny Weasley to be Hermione's Maid of Honor, so the two girls were holding hands and giggling like mad.

"He's really making you wait?" Ginny giggled as she squeezed both of her friend's hands. "I wouldn't have thought he had the self-control."

"Well, actually, to tell the truth, we got pretty close to it once or twice, but he thinks I deserve everything to be perfect, so he's been driving both of us crazy over it."

"So, you really want him that much?" Ginny asked in surprise. "Harry told me he caught the two of you snogging in the hall, but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or just messing with Ronald."

"What about Ron?" asked Hermione curiously.

"Well, the long and short of it is, he thought you didn't like sex because you never wanted it with him," said Ginny with a snort of derision.

"It's not like he did anything to incite any sort of desire in me," Hermione pointed out. "He's a terrible kisser, and so clumsy he had no idea what he was doing. And worst of all, when I would have let him, he couldn't even do it."

"Okay, so what about Lucius?" Ginny inquired.

"Oh, Lord, Ginny, the man knows how to kiss. He makes you feel it all over your body with just the slightest twist of a tongue. Mmm, just thinking about him makes me warm."

Ginny was grinning broadly as she finished saying this.

Hermione looked at her askance, and asked, "What's so funny?"

"You are," Ginny told her. "I've never seen you like this before. If I didn't know better, I would swear that you were in love."

"Love?" Hermione gasped as her stomach clenched tightly. "I'm not sure I would go that far. Lucius and I have barely known each other except as enemies in the past. Don't you think it's too soon to love him?"

"Not if he's truly the one," Ginny pointed out. "If he's the one for you, your heart knows it well before your brain will admit it. That's how it was with me and Harry. I always knew, at some level."

"But wouldn't that mean my heart would have known even when I was a child?" Hermione wanted to know.

"Well, I don't know," Ginny speculated. "He was acting very evil back then, so maybe you couldn't see past his actions to the man behind the mask, as it were."

"Well, I've certainly seen him now," Hermione giggled.

"Did you?" she asked, eyebrows raised.

"Well, not that, yet, but he saw mine."

"Really? How well did he see it?" Ginny giggled.

"Let's just say he was quite up close and personal," Hermione answered with a chuckle and some very crimson cheeks. "Now, I suggest we stop talking about that. I'm supposed to be a blushing bride, not a hot and bothered one."

"True," she agreed. "You know, I just never thought you'd be getting married sooner than I would."

"Neither did I," she agreed. "At one time, I thought at best we'd be getting married at the same time, but it never crossed my mind that I'd get to the altar ahead of you."

"Time to put on your gown, dear," Liza announced as she brought it out of her bag. All the women in the room, of which there were at least twenty, oohed and aahed with excitement as Hermione slipped into the ornate clothing with a smile of delight.

"Lucius said he wanted me to be beautiful in this," she mentioned. "I think you ladies have outdone yourselves. I look positively decadent."

"The Master will be the one blushing when he sees you in this," Liza chuckled as she pulled the strings of the corset tight in back.

"Now all we need is the make-up, and you'll be all set," said Tanetha as she stepped forward to do Hermione's face.

"Oh, and perhaps her nails," Ginny pointed out. "It looks like she's been biting them again."

"When haven't I been?" Hermione pointed out.

Ginny couldn't think of a time in which she didn't, so she shrugged and nodded.

"Well, we'll need to fix that," Tanetha said. "You're supposed to be a proper lady as a Malfoy, Mistress. We'll have to break that habit for good as soon as may be."

"Good luck with that," Ginny scoffed.

"Believe me, my dear, I have my ways," said the woman cryptically.

"All right, everyone, it's time to Apparate over to the hall," Liza announced. "Everyone make sure you've got everything you want to bring with, as we won't have time to return once we are there."

All of the women created a clamor of noise as they gathered up all their things, and then Liza turned and set Hermione's own small purse in her hands as well. "This has everything in it you could ever possibly desire until we return here for the reception."

"Thank you, Liza, you're a gem," Hermione told her. "I'm on pins and needles just now, and would probably have forgotten the thing completely."

"Don't you worry, Mistress," she said as she squeezed her hand. "We're all here to take care of you."

The entire entourage Apparated away at the same time, and subsequently popped into the hall all together as well. A stray young man who had been walking through collided with Hermione, and his cheeks colored with embarrassment.

"Oh, my Lady, I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed. "Please don't strike me down."

"What? Why on earth would I do that?" she asked, somewhat confused by both the title he'd used and the reaction he had displayed.

"Hush now, Kildan, she is not Narcissa, and you need not fear the reactions you were used to from her," Liza said as she set the lad on his feet. "Hermione is the kindest soul I have ever met. A most refreshing change, indeed."

"Wait, you mean Narcissa would have harmed him for something like that?" Hermione asked incredulously. "I didn't know she could be so cruel."

"Narcissa was a pureblood, Hermione," Liza explained. "The aristocratic purebloods were all raised in a certain manner. Though she was a fair sight nicer than her sister, rest assured there were still some things even Narcissa would have to punish. Embarrassing her in public being one of them."

"Oh, but I'm not particularly embarrassed," Hermione was quick to tell her. "After all, how could he know we were about to pop in?"

"My goodness, you are right," Kildan said as he bowed low before her. "She is the nicest person I've ever seen. I am pleased to meet you, Lady Malfoy."

"Not Malfoy quite yet, my dear," she said with a smile. "And why is he calling me lady?"

"The whole heraldry thing, of course," Liza reminded her. "Apparently, the Earl took ill and died, and we've only just heard about it this morning."

"You mean--"

"Yes, my dear, you're about to be a Countess."

Hermione felt faint. Liza, sensing this, propped her up by an elbow, while Ginny grabbed the other one.

"Oh, my dear, the music has begun," Liza said. "I fear you'll have to faint later."

Hermione bolstered her resolve and stepped resolutely in time with the music, into the hall filled with over a thousand people, up the aisle, and right beside her fiancé. She had a smile plastered on, but Lucius was not fooled as he uncovered her face and looked into her eyes.

"What is it, my dear?" he whispered with concern. "You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"Never," she said sincerely as he took both her gloved hands in his.

"Good," he said with a smile. "Then let's get married so we can shag, already."

"Lucius!" she gasped, scandalized, but he just chuckled and turned her to face the Minister.

"In as much as these two have consented to become man and wife, I now bind them in their oath," said Kingsley as he waved his wand around their joined hands. Where his wand went, golden light followed, so that by the time he was done they were bound together by both hands, and by a few ropes of light that went around their middles as well. "In our world, Hermione, when you are bound to your husband, it is truly until death do you part. You now belong to Lucius, and he now belongs to you for all your days, till one or the other lives no more."

Lucius leaned forward and kissed her for all he was worth, and Hermione kissed him back with all her heart. That niggling little love word crossed her mind again, but this time she began to think it was there to stay.

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